OSMIC Cultivation

Let us introduce the core technology and solution of what we believe is the next-generation plant factory.

Organic Culture soil with high density of microorganism


“Alive soil” where microorganisms live with high density.

Soil producing without any chemical additives

Sustainment of the soil with
the gift of various microorganisms

Culture soil that brings out
the authentic deliciousness
and sweetness of vegetable

Years of cultivating the process of creating our original soil Years of cultivating the process of creating
our original soil
Maintaining the optimum flora in the culture soil
Producing nutrients with fermentative decomposition by complex microorganisms Producing nutrients with fermentative decomposition by complex microorganisms

Execution of stable producing of high density fruit tomatoes, “OSMIC Tomatoes”

OSMIC Cultivation

It is possible to stabilize the cultivation and production by using OSMIC Soil and OSMIC Fertilizer

Isolated Cultivation

Low height and
High density Planting

Moderate Stress Cultivation

Production of our own original soil with years of cultivating know-how

Year-round Cultivation with


Implementation of environment control system. We have set various sensors to collect data and analyze in order to grow high density fruit tomatoes all year around.

OSMIC Cultivation OSMIC House
OSMIC Cultivation OSMIC House
OSMIC Cultivation OSMIC House

Simplify and improve efficiency of cultivation.

High-performance Environment Control System

Our house is controlled 24 hours to keep the best weather (temperature and humidity). We control the transition between cooling effect of pads and fan during the day time and heat pump air conditioning during the night time. We support the year-round cultivation with air conditioner during the summer and heater during the winter that are energy conserving and low cost.

High-performance Environment Control System